- Computer Science Research Assistant (2022-present)
- Conducted research in the field of software supply chain management
- William & Mary, Williamsburg Va.
- Computer Science Teaching Assistant (2021-2023)
- Graded assignments, held office hours, ran computer labs, etc
- Classes: Programming Languages, Computer Animation, Intro to Data Science
- William & Mary, Williamsburg Va.
- High School Computer Science Teacher (2020-2021)
- Taught classes in web development, programming, and keyboarding
- Buena Vista City Schools, Buena Vista Va.
- Lead Web Application Developer (2018-2021)
- Designed, improved, and implemented new features for the Ancient Graffiti Project
- Washington and Lee University, Lexington Va.
- Lab Assistant (2018-2019)
- Worked as a computer lab assistant
- Classes: Intro to Python, Data Structures
- Washington and Lee University, Lexington Va.
- Practicum Student (2017-2019)
- Semester long practicum placements at Parry McCluer High School, Lylburn Downing Middle School, and Maury River Middle School
- Rockbridge Teacher Education Consortium, Lexington Va.
- William and Mary, Williamsburg VA
- Master of Science degree, August 2023
Computer Science
- Doctor of Philosophy degree (anticipated completion: May '26)
Computer Science
- Washington and Lee University, Lexington VA
- Bachelor of Science degree, May 2020
Major in Computer Science; Minors in Education and Classics
- Jackson River Governor's School, Covington VA
- Parry McCluer High School, Buena Vista VA
- Advanced Diploma, May 2016
Licenses and Certifications
- Virginia Middle and Secondary Education Collegiate Professional License
Trained in:
- Child Abuse / Neglect Recognition and Intervention
- Dyslexia Awareness
- CPR and First Aid
Awards and Honors
- FSE'24 Best Paper Award
- Virginia Space Grant Consortium Graduate Research Fellowship (2023-25)
- Phi Beta Kappa Member
- Computer Science Honor's Thesis
- W&L Computer Science Honor's Award 2020
- CAMWS National Latin Translation Award
- Washington and Lee President's List (All Four Years)
- Jackson River Governor's School Chemistry Award
- Jackson River Governor's School Statistics Award
- Jackson River Governor's School Calculus Award
- National Honor Society Member
- Parry McCluer High School Salutatorian Class of 2016
Activities and Interests
- Founder and President of the Apologetics Club at William & Mary (2022-present)
- Alpha Volunteer and Table Leader (2024-present)
- Member of the Rockbridge Teaching Education Consortium Advisory Board (2018-2023)
- Latin Club Volunteer at Waddell Elementary School (2019-2020)
- Co-Chair GenTec (W&L Robotics) Community Outreach (2019-2020)
- W&L Robotics (2018-2020)
- Public Relations Chair of Washington and Lee Swing Dance Club (2019-2020)
- W&L Swing Dance Club (2018-2020)
- High School Varsity Basketball, Academic Team
Workshops Led
- Intro to Text Processing (Cypher VIII - 2023)
- Advanced Python Tricks (Cypher VIII - 2023)
- Intro to HTML and CSS (Cypher VIII - 2023)
- Intro to Data Science I (W&L - 2020)
- Intro to Data Science II (W&L - 2020)
- ESSEC '24 - SBOMs as a Solution in the Software Supply Chain
- ICSE '24 - BOMs Away! Inside the Minds of Stakeholders: A Comprehensive Study of Bills of Materials for Software Systems
- VSGC Symposium '24 - SBOMs as a Solution in the Software Supply Chain
Guest Lectures
- CSCI 312 - Introduction to Haskell (Fall 2022)
- CSCI 435 - Design Patterns (Fall 2023)
- CSCI 435 - Design Patterns (Fall 2024)
Volunteer Opportunities
- FSE '24 Volunteer
- ESSEC '24 Volunteer
- Math tutoring (2023-present)
- CFCW Computer Science Cohort (2023-2024)
- W&M Computer Science Graduate Symposium '24
- W&M Computer Science Graduate Symposium '23
- W&M Computer Science Graduate Symposium '22
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript